Passport & Consular Services

What is the processing time for Work Visa in Australia?

The processing time for a work visa in Australia can vary depending on the type of visa, the volume of applications being processed, and other factors. The Department of Home Affairs provides estimated processing times for different visa subclasses on their website, which can give you a general idea of the timeframes involved. However, it’s important to note that these processing times are indicative and can change.

Here are some estimated processing times for popular work visa subclasses in Australia:

Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa (subclass 482): Processing times vary depending on the stream and the complexity of the application. On average, the Department of Home Affairs indicates a processing time of around 43 to 71 days for the Short-Term stream and 47 to 87 days for the Medium-Term stream.

Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) Visa (subclass 186): The processing time for this visa can vary significantly based on factors such as the stream, complexity of the application, and the location of the application lodgement. The Department of Home Affairs provides an indicative processing time of around 17 to 21 months for the Temporary Residence Transition stream and 17 to 22 months for the Direct Entry stream.

Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189): The processing time for this visa is highly dependent on the occupation and the points score of the applicant. On average, the Department of Home Affairs indicates a processing time of around 12 to 15 months. However, it’s important to note that processing times can vary considerably based on individual circumstances and demand.

It’s crucial to check the official website of the Department of Home Affairs or consult with a qualified immigration professional for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding processing times for specific work visa subclasses in Australia.

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